The Busy Bean

Coffee that tastes good and does good for your body. 

With The Busy Bean, your cup of coffee is an energy booster and your daily dose of nutrition intake all in one.


With coffee beans sustainably sourced, made and freshly roasted in Vietnam with love, The Busy Bean guarantees to serve the healthiest and richest cup of coffee you’ll ever taste!

A fantastic way to feel energized for a working day. This is definitely a great energy booster recommendation for my health-conscious followers!

Emma Pham
Health Coach

Loved Busy Bean's Herbal Coffee from the first try! Healthy, flavorful and gave me the right amount of energy to function throughout my hectic shooting day.

Chau Bui
Fashion/ Lifestyle Influencer


Tim Wan

The Busy Founders, The Busy Bean

Coffee made by ambitious hustlers, for ambitious hustlers.

Founded in 2022 by a group of ambitious friends, who are figuring out ways to restore their health as they hustle through their 20s, while helping young, ambitious and health-conscious people.

With quarter-life crises and the urge to become a somebody in one's 20s and 30s, we noticed a tendency of turning into workaholics, over-consuming caffeine, and neglecting health in young workers. Understanding that, The Busy Bean coffee is here to save the day!

With specialty grade arabica coffee sustainably sourced in Vietnam and health-centric supplements added, our coffee guarantees to bring you boosts of energy levels and health in an instant!


Come Visit Us!

1st floor, Crescent Mall, 101 Ton Dat Tien Street, Tan Phu, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City

Business Hours

Monday - Saturday

9:00 - 21:00


9:00 - 17:00